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View Full Version : 2 questions on Axim

04-23-2003, 05:52 PM
1. I've been having a problem that when an alarm pops up and say I don't hear it or forget about it the Axim stays on and eventually the battery runs out.

Is there a way to set it so after so many minutes the axim will shut off?

2. If I'm listening to mp3's at night as I go to sleep, is there software I can set to turn the Axim off after say an hour or whatever?


04-23-2003, 06:14 PM
I don't know if this will help, but think about these things:

- In your power settings is the ability to turn off the device after a time period.

If you're using your Axim to listen to music as you go to sleep, make sure Windows Media isn't set to loop the music... in theory, once the playlist is completed, the device should shut itself down after the time period established in the "On battery/external power turn off the device if not used for XX time" settings.

I haven't tested that theory, of course :wink: so be sure to let me know if it works!

I never have a problem with the Dell Axim turning off after a period of time when my Outlook appointments popping up. I suspect the same thing may be the issue...your power settings. If I'm on battery power, they turn off automatically (whether I've acknowledged them or not) after my battery power setting of three minutes has elapsed. Now, since my external power setting is never...well, I gotta acknowledge those suckers in that case.

Hope this helps,

04-24-2003, 12:07 AM
it was actually already checked to turn off after 3 minutes if on battery.

so i'm not sure