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View Full Version : Viking 1 GB CF Card for $185 (After $50 Rebate)

04-18-2003, 09:10 AM
Anybody want a Viking 1 GB CF card (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000083DY0/qid%3D1050550063/sr%3D1-30/jasondunn-20/002-6968267-2499212) for $185 after a $50 rebate? (I think that I made that link an affiliate link for Jason.) I've used Viking CF cards and they've been great.

Remember the old days (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8106) (the end of January) when these things cost about $250? :-D


04-18-2003, 12:32 PM
I'm hoping that in the distant future, like June or July, we will be able to get 5GB CF cards for about $250.00.

I'm so glad that I got a two slot PPC, CF memory is the way to go, at least for now.

04-18-2003, 12:56 PM
I'm hoping that in the distant future, like June or July, we will be able to get 5GB CF cards for about $250.00.

Don't count on that. Cards that large may have been announced, but I haven't seen them available yet. If you can get 5 GB this summer, I'd expect to pay a lot more.

For example, here's an excerpt from a Pretec Press Release (http://www.pretec.com/PR/CeBIT_PR_3GB_6GB2%20021.pdf):

Hannover, Germany, March 12, 2003 – Pretec Electronics Corp. (Hall 23 Booth A33), the 2nd company in the world offering CompactFlash memory card (CF card) since 1995, dropped its pricing for 3GB CF memory card, the largest capacity flash memory card in the world of any small form factors which Pretec demonstrated and started shipping since November 2002, from $2499 to $1999.

Pretec also announced 6GB CF card today at CeBIT 2003, 600% larger capacity than any of it’s closest competitors in the world, priced at $7499, to be delivered by 2nd half of 2003.

Note that Pretec is lowering the price on their 3 GB CF card -- to $1999! :crazyeyes: And check out the 6 GB card for $7499.


04-18-2003, 03:58 PM
C'mon Steve, don't be a spoilsport.

To be sure, the prices do have to drop rather a lot to make sense for us consumers.

The fact that we can get 1GB cards for $200 or less is great anyway.

I remember seeing an article on one of the PPC sites where the it was claimed that CF was dead and SD was going to be the only game in town soon. Certainly does not seem to be happening yet.

Thank goodness that the PPC manufacturers continue to come up with products that allow us to use both card types.