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View Full Version : Suggestions for improving Repligo

04-11-2003, 02:13 AM
Repligo is great! I can now use my handheld like I'm carrying a volume of things I've "printed".

But something occurred to me. Why not integrate repligo straight into pocket explorer -- or have a version that performs the conversion straight from the handheld?

I use a pocket pc phone, so it would be great to be browsing on the web and decide I'd really like a certain page in Repligo format and with a tap have it covert the page on the fly.

Another nice feature would be the ability to highlight and bookmark.

Jeff Rutledge
04-11-2003, 02:49 AM
I'd like to see Landscape support. That would increase it's value to me by a factor of 10.

I like the suggestion for highlighting and bookmarking too though.

04-11-2003, 06:37 PM
I'm a new Repligo user, and my biggest request would be the ability to remember the last page viewed.

That and/or bookmarking ability. Other than that...its a great program.


04-14-2003, 09:04 AM
I'd like to see Landscape support. That would increase it's value to me by a factor of 10.

I'd second that, this would almost make it a killer app in my opinion!

04-15-2003, 08:46 PM
I am doing a trial of Repligo but will probably buy it. I agree that it's a very slick little program.

Agree with previous comments -- the ability to bookmark would be number one on my list. Highlighting would be second, and landscape would be third.

I have found this to be especially useful for saving long online articles for later reading. However, the lack of bookmarks or at least the ability to remember the last line read make it less than perfect for those times when you can't finish an article in one sitting.

04-15-2003, 11:53 PM
Agree with previous comments -- the ability to bookmark would be number one on my list. Highlighting would be second, and landscape would be third.
Can you expand on your need for highlighting? My guess is you would like to highlight some text or a part of a page and then add some notes to the highlight?

04-16-2003, 04:56 AM
i read scientific articles with repligo and it would be nice to be able to highlight sections of text.

having the ability to add a note to a section of text would also be good. it could be as simple is just having the text highlighted in a slightly different color to indicate that a note is present and then tapping and holding to bring up the menu for viewing/editing the note.

basically adding the features that microsoft reader allows would be good. they have bookmarks, lighlighting, and notes.

04-16-2003, 06:14 PM
Can you expand on your need for highlighting? My guess is you would like to highlight some text or a part of a page and then add some notes to the highlight?

I'd just like to be able to highlight a section of a document to flag it as something I need to correct/change on the original or as something to come back to later either to reread or to save/file away that information. I guess bookmarks could also fill this need, but highlighting might be quicker and easier.

Adding notes would be a nice addition, but not really essential for my needs.