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03-03-2003, 07:45 PM
Hey guys...I just ran out and bought a CF wifi card for my ipaq. the things I've been reading about wifi made me do it . But not that I have it, im finding out this stuff isn't too easy. One of the things I really wanted to do was just be able to walk around and sniff some one's connection out and check e-mail and surf the web. I have the sniffing part down, but I have noooo idea how I use their connection to get online. my card is a net gear MA701 and the sniffing tool im using is ministumbler. The name of the access point comes up in mini stumbler, and the link light on the card is solid, but when I try to connect to AIM or surf a site it doesn't have the connection to do so. can anyone help me out or atlease send me to a site that has a Hot-to. Thanks guys.

03-03-2003, 07:55 PM
From another thread (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3042&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30):

Hey guys...I just ran out and bought a CF wifi card for my ipaq. the things I've been reading about wifi made me do it :). But not that I have it, im finding out this stuff isn't too easy. One of the things I really wanted to do was just be able to walk around and sniff some one's connection out and check e-mail and surf the web. I have the sniffing part down, but I have noooo idea how I use their connection to get online. my card is a net gear MA701 and the sniffing tool im using is ministumbler. The name of the access point comes up in mini stumbler, and the link light on the card is solid, but when I try to connect to AIM or surf a site it doesn't have the connection to do so. can anyone help me out or atlease send me to a site that has a Hot-to. Thanks guys.
Don't take this the wrong way, but don't expect anyone here to explain it to you. There are questions as to the legality of such a proposition. Yes, people do it...but don't expect us to tell you how. Try Google. There is another thread (don't have the link) in this forum debating the legality and ethics of this issue.

I doubt anyone here will help you out. What you want to do is probably not legal and no one here wants to aid in an illegal act. You won't find links to MP3 sites or C64, NES, or SNES ROMs here either. That doesn't mean no one here does what you want to do or no one here has downloaded MP3s or ROMs or whatever. Read this thread (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8867&start=30) if you have the time.

Google is your answer, my friend.

Steven Cedrone
03-03-2003, 08:45 PM
I guess you just didn't like the answer the first time you posted about this???

Thread locked...

Steven Cedrone
Community Moderator