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View Full Version : Problems with the TDK Bluepaq.

02-23-2003, 04:01 PM
I have been using the TDK Bluepaq for few weeks. Since then I ran into some problems with my 3850 iPAQ. The major one is when I found the iPAQ turned on and the image on the screen was of scrambled colors moving in a wavy from left to right. The only way to turn off the iPAQ was by pressing the soft reset. When doing that the iPAQ came back like it went trough a hard reset. This problem happened three times in these few weeks that I have been using it.
Did any one had or heard about this problem.


Janak Parekh
02-23-2003, 05:23 PM
Have you used other sleeves with your iPaq? I know a few people had similar problems when the CF+ sleeve first came out.

Also, is your iPaq's ROM up-to-date? And the BluePaq's, if it has a ROM?


02-23-2003, 05:35 PM
This is the only sleev I used with my iPAQ. I have the latest ROM update Ver 1.20 and there is no drivers update from the Buepaq. However I found a driver update in Comapq web site for bluetooth " iPAQ H3xxx Bluetooth Service Manager". It doesn't say any thing about the problem I had. I'll take the risk and try it.


Janak Parekh
02-23-2003, 05:40 PM
Hmm, I don't think the Compaq Bluetooth Manager is of any use to you :(

Unfortunately, I don't own a Bluepaq, so I'm not going to be of much further use. Have you tried calling TDK?


02-23-2003, 06:53 PM
Yes, the BluePaq has a ROM, but I couldn't find new firmware. In fact, I couldn't even seem to find anything about the BluePaq on TDK's website!

But after a little digging I managed to find a technical support number for the bluePAQ on some PDF I found on the net: 01256 396544.

Hope that helps.

02-23-2003, 08:08 PM
I sent TDK an e-mail yesterday. I'll call them after the weekend.
There web site is www.tdksys.com. They have posted FAQ and other information about the Bluepaq but nothing that relate to the problem I have. I'll ask Compaq as well,since the bluepaq is part the recommended accesories that they listed on there web site.


02-28-2003, 10:27 PM
This is the answer i got from TDK.

"The problem you're experiencing is knew to us and we are unable to replicate it here however, I would advise you to upgrade the firmware on the Ipaq. The file is downloadable from the URL below: http://www.tdksystems.com/support/drivers/range.asp?id=1

There is a read me file explaining how to do it, if the problem is not resolved then get back to us for a possible replacement"

I updated my frimware to the one above (according to the release note of this frimware, it provide update for 3950 and nokia 7650). I hope that it will solve the problem.


03-02-2003, 12:33 PM
I updated the frimware, as recommended . Problem still exist. Wating for TDK.


Martin I Pettinger
03-20-2003, 05:24 PM

I am thinking about getting a Bluepaq - seen one at a good price. Question is I have an iPAQ 3850 too and I am concerned about your experience. Any solution from TDK?
