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View Full Version : Getting remote POP3 mail from a broadband ISP

01-18-2003, 09:31 PM
This subject has probably been covered before but I couldn't find it through browsing, so please bear with me.

I have a cable broadband connection. I would like to be able to get e-mail via my iPaq h3955 inbox when I'm not connected to my desktop/cable. I have set the parameters correctly (I think), but I can't get in to the server. I've tried this via a dial-up connection to a different ISP in order to get internet access. I then try to access POP3 mail on my broadband suppliers service but no response. I can access the server but it won't recognize me.

I have tried to get the cable company's tech support to respond (MediaCom), but they send me canned responses about configuring Outlook Express.

Any suggestions?
