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View Full Version : H5455 PIMAgent log?? What is that?

01-06-2003, 05:03 AM
My newest concern regarding the H5455 is when you go to the Temp folder and there I notice a PIMAgent log in a text file form. The log shows "INFO: PIMAgent Started DD/MM/YYYY 00:00:00 INFO: Not starting after reset as OnStarup is not set in the registry". Now, I don't know what this means but everything else is working fine. I hope this log is for something else that's not really important. Has anyone seen or read this log before? Does anyone know what this is all about?

Another thing I notice is that I've had to soft reset my H5455 more often than my previous iPAQs. I don't know if it's because I installed most of my 3rd party apps in the "iPAQ File Store" which I also notice it's quite slow when running them from there. Does anyone have any comments regarding this?