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View Full Version : WHERE has my clock disapear ? please help me ...

01-02-2003, 12:22 PM
well i own a ipaq 3870 and for some months now my clock has disapeard from the top right corner in today screen ....

i dont know what happened to it and i can not get it back all i see now is the soeaker icon but no clock i have tried to go to my default theme thinking one of the custom oines just dont use the clock but thats not it !!!

i woud realy like to have that clock back its realy anoing please help me out :roll: :(

01-03-2003, 04:55 PM
Other than a hard reset, you could:

a. download the freeware program wisbar from www.pelmarinc.com. this will replace/edit your start bar and you can set the time/date format

b. download Tweaks2k2 from www.pocketgear.com. it is shareware, but you can use the trial version up to 3 times if you dont want to pay. install the program and run it on your device. go to the system tricks 1 menu and select small date/time. this will show both the date and time in the start bar. then do a soft reset.