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View Full Version : HELP! I think my iPaq 1910 is dead!

12-20-2002, 08:59 PM
I just bought it yesterday. Great little device, I'll tell you that. I've been so hesitant to get a Pocket PC (even though I wanted one forever) because of the size and cost. I used to have a Cassiopeia E15 when they still ran the old Win CE.

The 1910 cost me 200$ and is just about as small as the clie (and smaller in other ways). Nice screen, sure it's not a powerhouse but...

ANYWAYS... I have a problem. I was playing around, I don't even remember what I was doing exactly, and it seems the handheld died!!

Basically, when I turn it on, I get the initial HP iPAQ screen. Never goes past. I tried a soft reset, I tried taking the batteries out, no luck.

Has anyone seen this before in this or any other iPAQ?? Any ideas on what I can do to fix it?!

Sucks.... I like the device a lot otherwise!

Steven Cedrone
12-20-2002, 09:47 PM
Not sure how to do it, but I would try a hard reset (does removing the batteries = hard reset). Look in your documentation, it should be listed there somewhere...


12-21-2002, 08:41 AM
Well, on the Dell, you press into the reset button, and hold down the power button at the same time for a hard reset. Then, on the screen, a little menu pop-up comes up, and asks you to press the contacts button to do a hard reset.

I would imagine it would be standard on the HP, since this is PPC2002.

Janak Parekh
12-21-2002, 10:47 PM
I would imagine it would be standard on the HP, since this is PPC2002.
No, actually, the process is different across different devices.

Look in your manual to see how to do the hard reset. It's unlikely the device has died, rather a badly-misbehaving app is running at startup and crashing the unit.

Good luck. :)
