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View Full Version : New Lockergnome Newsletter: Bonus Bargains

Jason Dunn
11-10-2002, 03:38 AM
<a href="http://www.lockergnome.com/">http://www.lockergnome.com/</a><br /><br />I know that many of you reading this site are always up for a great bargain, so I thought I'd pass this info along. I've signed up, even though I know I probably won't be eligible for many of the deals being a poor ol' Canuck. But that's why I have friends in the US. :wink: <br /><br />"If you like free stuff that has real value, clap your hands. If you like special builds of software, clap your hands. If you like saving money, clap your hands. If you like getting discounts, clap your hands. If you like exclusive offers and coupons, clap your hands. If you want it all delivered to your Inbox "Lockergnome style" on a weekly basis, then sign up for our latest newsletter: Bonus Bargains! <br /><br />Yep, our latest family member is sure to please your pocketbook when it rolls out in a matter of weeks. Just swing by our Web site, use any given form, and be sure to put a check in the appropriate box(es). If you wanna subscribe via e-mail, simply blast a message here. We may not repeat the content in our other newsletters, and they will most likely NOT be archived on the Web - so there's no other way of getting these mailings at this point. Plan on gifts from us, friends, and partners in the coming months. And hey - the subscription is free, so you have nothing to lose (and nothing but bargains to gain). Don't wait!"