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View Full Version : iPaq 3870 hard reset

08-26-2002, 10:01 PM
Hi, can anyone please tell me what is the key sequence to hard reset an iPaq 3870. Too much rubbish in my iPaq, need to re-start again. Thanks. :)

08-27-2002, 08:22 PM
The Hard Reset sequence for the 38xx series is the combination of the #1 button (calendar), the #4 button (iTask), and the Soft Reset button, all pressed at the same time.
Be sure to back it up first...everything will be sent into vapor land never to be seen again. You can also save some time by copying the Sync directory on your PC (and all sub dirs) to a temporary location, and when you reestablish a new relationship, you can copy files back into the new Sync directory.
Best of luck

08-28-2002, 08:54 AM
Thanks a lot. Tried it, work :lol: Re-install all S/W. My 3870 works beautifully since everything is working now.