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View Full Version : H3955 for $395

08-06-2002, 07:56 PM
In case you didn't know this: A deal that's too good to be true? Check out http://exchange-usa.com

They have rock bottom prices on computer equipments. But a further
check and this seems like a scam. Read the thread at http://www.techimo.com/forum/tid23575/pp30/pn1/index.html

Actually found this at Brighthand, but couldn't access it right now so no link there.

Dave Conger
08-07-2002, 06:15 AM
Haha, 3955 for under $500....rrrright. Just looking at the price you should be able to tell it is a scam.

Good heads-up though for people that might be easily fooled with looking for a good deal.