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View Full Version : Dutch only: Reisplanner on your Pocket PC

03-06-2002, 05:31 PM
<a href="http://www.9292ov.nl/palmwijzer/">http://www.9292ov.nl/palmwijzer/</a><br /><br />If you're Dutch like me, you probably would like to have the national train schedule (Reisplanner) on your Pocket PC. Until recently I've used Pocket DOS and a DOS version of the Reisplanner to have this with me, but the on screen keyboard of Pocket DOS is pretty harsh to use. The site <a href="http://www.9292ov.nl">9292ov.nl</a> did develop a planner for Palm products, and they're considering developing a product for the Pocket PC if enough people ask for it. So <A HREF=mailto:[email protected]?subject=Reisplanner_voor_Pocket_PC>go ask for it</A>!