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View Full Version : Flash 5 available at MyCasio for Casio devices

Ed Hansberry
02-26-2002, 02:16 PM
<a href="http://www.mycasio.com">http://www.mycasio.com</a><br /><br />If you use a Casio E-200, BE-300, E-115, E125 or an EM-500, you can now get the Macromedia Flash 5 player for your PDA. If you are interested in creating flash content for Pocket PC's, there are two books you should check out. <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1588802507/jasonsego">Flash Gear</a> by Jon Warren Lentz & Ian Chia and <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0735711771/jasonsego">Flash Enabled</a> by Phillip Torrone and friends. Both of these are affiliate links.<br /><br />Thanks to <a href="http://www.flashenabled.com">pt</a> and Ian Chia for the information. <i>(No shameless self promotion here folks)</i> ;-)

Hank Scorpio
02-26-2002, 04:15 PM
Wouldn't flash 5 that works on the casio e-200 work on the Ipaqs as well? both the same arm processors? Just wondering cause I don't wanna wait!

Don Sorcinelli
02-26-2002, 04:21 PM
I just went to the Macromedia site and found that Flash 5 for the PocketPC 2002 OS is available for downloading.

You can get it here (http://www.macromedia.com/software/flashplayer/pocketpc).

Boxster S
02-26-2002, 04:25 PM
I just went to the Macromedia site and found that Flash 5 for the PocketPC 2002 OS is available for downloading.

You can get it here (http://www.macromedia.com/software/flashplayer/pocketpc).

When you click on the download link, it only downloads Flash 4 :(

Don Sorcinelli
02-26-2002, 04:29 PM
I went so far as to download AND start the install (it wouldn't have been the first time that someone used an old EXE name for a new version install). It was only then that I saw the "Macromedia Flash Player 4 for PocketPC" appear. 8O

So much for "honesty in advertising"...

02-26-2002, 04:34 PM
I went so far as to download AND start the install (it wouldn't have been the first time that someone used an old EXE name for a new version install). It was only then that I saw the "Macromedia Flash Player 4 for PocketPC" appear. 8O

So much for "honesty in advertising"...

I just love it when things like that happen! :x Anyway bring on Flash 5, this is the release that should support ActionScript for the Pocket PC. This should allow some very cool stuff for designer/developers like me. Can't wait for the iPAQ version. :)

Robert Levy
02-26-2002, 04:49 PM
At PPCNY, it was hinted that the Casio version would work for other 2002 devices since they all run on ARM processors. There was no mention of a Flash 5 release for other devices. Unfortunately, when I tried to install this on my ipaq, I ended up with an "Installation Failed" message.

02-26-2002, 06:47 PM
You could try to edit the Casio version...I'm sure there's just a line or two that codes it specifically to look for a Casio-only thing. Probably can be removed...

02-26-2002, 07:04 PM
Hooray, long live the Cassiopeia!!!

02-26-2002, 08:42 PM
Can somebody answer some questions I have about Flash. I thought Flash was just an animation program. How is it used to make these neat apps, such as calculators and games? Does Macromedia'sFlash Director have built-in programming modules, or do software developers incorporate Flash graphics within their code? Has Flash become a separate programming language? I'm interested in learning a programming language for a hobby. Do I need to know C/C++, VBasic, or Java to use Flash?

02-26-2002, 09:05 PM
Can somebody answer some questions I have about Flash. I thought Flash was just an animation program. How is it used to make these neat apps, such as calculators and games? Does Macromedia'sFlash Director have built-in programming modules, or do software developers incorporate Flash graphics within their code? Has Flash become a separate programming language? I'm interested in learning a programming language for a hobby. Do I need to know C/C++, VBasic, or Java to use Flash?

hiya, macromedia flash does much more than animation. if you know javascript, you can use the robust actionscript that is very advanced. check out www.flashenabled.com/mobile for link to my book about this, for links to macromedia and here's another link that has all you need to know about macromedia flash...


02-26-2002, 09:46 PM
Go here to get the Flash 5 player to work on your IPAQ. It worked for me.


02-26-2002, 10:00 PM
What are your plans for broadly supporting Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 hardware manufacturers?

Microsoft and Macromedia announced a strategic relationship that makes it easy for Windows CE licensees to license and distribute Macromedia Flash Player. Casio has already licensed the Macromedia Flash Player, and we will announce additional partners as soon as they license the Macromedia Flash Player.

Looks like there will not be support for Flash 5 on other devices unless the other manufacturers license it too.

02-26-2002, 10:02 PM
Go here to get the Flash 5 player to work on your IPAQ. It worked for me.

It might 'crash' your machine? Someone want to experiment on a J568 before I try it myself?

Boxster S
02-26-2002, 10:05 PM
Go here to get the Flash 5 player to work on your IPAQ. It worked for me.


It works on my Jornada!!!!

THANKS!!!!! :D

02-26-2002, 10:27 PM
Finally multiplayer Sykotoy (http://www.sykotoy.com) coming to a pda near you yes it is!

02-26-2002, 11:53 PM
hiya, macromedia flash does much more than animation. if you know javascript, you can use the robust actionscript that is very advanced. check out www.flashenabled.com/mobile for link to my book about this, for links to macromedia and here's another link that has all you need to know about macromedia flash...


Thanks PT, I'll try it. BTW, do I need to know Javascript to use actionscript?

02-27-2002, 12:06 AM
>>Thanks PT, I'll try it. BTW, do I need to know Javascript to use actionscript?

no, but it helps. the syntax is pretty much the same. but you do not need to be a programmer to use flash, there are many wizards, ui, apps and resources that will get you building apps in a jiffy.

Hank Scorpio
02-27-2002, 12:55 AM
I installed it on my ipaq and it worked great, finally have sound and can go everywhere on the net... wicked!

02-27-2002, 02:37 AM

not that it matters, but.....keep in mind that this is illegal and you're stealing. it's the same as taking software off an casio you don't own and putting it on your device. while it seems tempting (we all want flash 5 now), it actually hurts casio. here's what you should do:

-email / show your support for flash, contact the oems, macromedia made this really easy, oems can have flash on a pocket pcs in a matter of days, really.

-email microsoft, they can actually put the flash player for pocket pc out right now, really.

-buy a casio, this is the best way to get the flash player, support the people who care about flash as much as you do, really.

now that i've taken the moral high ground it's time for some humor and it's time to do the opposite and plug the book that shows how to make mycasio channels, flash 5 content for pocket pc and more!


if you're going to steal, go to the book store and steal this book too.


02-27-2002, 02:45 AM

not that it matters, but.....keep in mind that this is illegal and you're stealing. it's the same as taking software off an casio you don't own and putting it on your device. while it seems tempting (we all want flash 5 now), it actually hurts casio. here's what you should do:

-email / show your support for flash, contact the oems, macromedia made this really easy, oems can have flash on a pocket pcs in a matter of days, really.

-email microsoft, they can actually put the flash player for pocket pc out right now, really.

-buy a casio, this is the best way to get the flash player, support the people who care about flash as much as you do, really.

now that i've taken the moral high ground it's time for some humor and it's time to do the opposite and plug the book that shows how to make mycasio channels, flash 5 content for pocket pc and more!

I bet you own a Casio. And if you owned an IPAQ, would you have waited? I don't consider it stealing when it is a free plugin.

02-27-2002, 03:12 AM
I bet you own a Casio. And if you owned an IPAQ, would you have waited? I don't consider it stealing when it is a free plugin.

it's not a free plugin, it's for casio device owners. it's stealing since you technically need to reverse engineer part of the installer to dig out the .dll bits. when you get the software, there's a license agreement you're violating as well.

Dave Conger
02-27-2002, 03:45 AM
it's not a free plugin, it's for casio device owners. it's stealing since you technically need to reverse engineer part of the installer to dig out the .dll bits. when you get the software, there's a license agreement you're violating as well.

pt, do you have any ideas on how soon we will see a plug-in for the iPAQ?

And now with the Casio release are you going to release the Flash today screen stuff? :D

02-27-2002, 04:59 AM
>>pt, do you have any ideas on how soon we will see a plug-in for the iPAQ?

not sure, i hope soon.

>>And now with the Casio release are you going to release the Flash today screen stuff? :D

soon, real soon, it's not just me who's working on this, i'm the content person, all will make sense soon.

Dave Conger
02-27-2002, 10:14 AM
soon, real soon, it's not just me who's working on this, i'm the content person, all will make sense soon.

You haven't let us down before, so I am happy to wait....as long as it will all make sense, and be cool... :wink:

02-27-2002, 11:36 AM
Well, this is a kick in ye olde tender bits. I get all excited, download the thing, uninstall Flash 4 from my EG-800 and install Flash 5... and guess what? IT AIN'T A PIE PLUGIN!!!?
Now I've soft reset, I've looked for the manual (there isn't one), and I've tried opening a ton of 4 and 5 files in HTML pages created for them, both archived and online. Diddly!
So what, I'm supposed to sacrifice a whole extra 519KB for this? Well, I guess I will anyway. It's not like I can so easily turn down Flash 5... but to have to reinstall Flash 4 just to get proper function in PIE... and obviously 5 files won't open in web pages... so it's a hunting around in the ol' temp files game...
Pardon me for whining, but this software is not ready for users until it's a full-blown plugin as well as a standalone player. (And no landscape view either??? Oh, come on!)

Ian Chia
02-27-2002, 02:28 PM
Pardon me for whining, but this software is not ready for users until it's a full-blown plugin as well as a standalone player. (And no landscape view either??? Oh, come on!)

My book Flash eGear will teach developers how to create standalone Flash applications for enterprise and games in a variety of sizes, including full landscape fullscreen apps. My fellow authors and I will be releasing some of these apps in the coming weeks to whet your appetite. As these promo apps come out, I'll make sure to post a note to Jason and co at pocketpcthoughts.com. (-:

Have a look at some of these screenshots of these apps, including games, business and screensaver programs, all built using Flash integrated with eMbedded Visual Basic and Visual C++ for some really serious kick butt applications.




The book can be found at Amazon:


- Ian

02-27-2002, 05:17 PM
Hi there. I just wanted to say that Flash 5 has some nifty new features. Seems like it will be really neet to develope on. Course I am in the same boat as some other people, art and animations are easy but I have no clue how to code. Any suggestions for learning Java Quickly?

PS. If someone were to use Flash 5 on an iPaq or Jornada I am very certain it would work just fine. I am not saying I have done it just that I have heard from people who have.

02-27-2002, 05:45 PM
Ian, what does the second app do? Would you kindly put it online somewhere?

Matt Keys
02-27-2002, 10:16 PM
Ok, I own an E-200 and I have installed the MyCasio and Flash5 apps. I downloaded some content from the MyCasio service and tried to play it on my E-200, it brings up PIE, but it is simply a black page. If I tap and hold the stylus on the screen where it should be playing, it pops up a context menu which says "movie not loaded" and "about." The movie not loaded option is of course greyed out, the about screen tells me about the flash 5 plugin. Anyone here know whats up? I really want to start using flash on the PocketPC.

Ian Chia
02-27-2002, 10:57 PM
Hi there. I just wanted to say that Flash 5 has some nifty new features. Seems like it will be really neet to develope on. Course I am in the same boat as some other people, art and animations are easy but I have no clue how to code. Any suggestions for learning Java Quickly?

If you come from a design background, then you'll Flash is a far more natural fit for development compared to Java. Flash approaches both ends of the spectrum, giving designers the ability to create content without needing to know much, and developers the ability to create compelling visual applications.

BTW - the other two main authors of my book are Bill Turner, author of "Flash 5 Cartoons and Games" and Jon Warren Lentz, author of the Flash 5 Bible and Flash 4 Bibles - both of whom come from a strong animation and visual arts background. I'm one of the codeheads on the book.

Why don't you download a free 30 day trial of F5 from Macromedia http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash and then go crazy with a bunch of tutorials from http://www.flashkit.com or something like that. That'll get you started.

PS. If someone were to use Flash 5 on an iPaq or Jornada I am very certain it would work just fine. I am not saying I have done it just that I have heard from people who have.

:wink: :) :D

Ian Chia
02-27-2002, 11:49 PM
Ian, what does the second app do? Would you kindly put it online somewhere?

It's a 3D Molecule application developed with fellow author Doug Loftus, who created the 3D Molecule engine all in Flash ActionScript.

And it'll be online and free (with source code as well) ... released all in good time. I won't be whetting anybody's appetite if it's out right now, will I? &lt;g>

- Ian

Ian Chia
02-27-2002, 11:51 PM
Ok, I own an E-200 and I have installed the MyCasio and Flash5 apps. I downloaded some content from the MyCasio service and tried to play it on my E-200, it brings up PIE, but it is simply a black page. If I tap and hold the stylus on the screen where it should be playing, it pops up a context menu which says "movie not loaded" and "about." The movie not loaded option is of course greyed out, the about screen tells me about the flash 5 plugin. Anyone here know whats up? I really want to start using flash on the PocketPC.

Sounds like a minor issue with the HTML file point to the wrong spot. Who's the developer of the content? Smashing Ideas or someone else? I've got a friend there who'd want to know if the content's having some problems. Can you drop a note via this forum as to the problematic content?


- Ian

02-28-2002, 03:29 AM
Matt, just because it is Flash 5 does not mean it is the same as the PC version. On top of that it may not have installed correctly.

BTW it is not the same thing as Flash 5 for the PC it is a just a few steps in the right direction.

02-28-2002, 03:34 AM
Ian thanks for the tips and advice.

I actually do have flash 5 on my PC and a few tutorials. I have made movies with no problem what soever, alas I want to make games. SO I guess I need to learn to code.

I actually am working on art for a game I am trying to make. I have the premise and all but I think making a game by myself with out knowing how to code is probably biting off a bit much, but then that is how I oporate so I am working on it.

Ian Chia
02-28-2002, 05:03 AM
I actually am working on art for a game I am trying to make. I have the premise and all but I think making a game by myself with out knowing how to code is probably biting off a bit much, but then that is how I oporate so I am working on it.

Take a look at my co-author Bill Turner's book, "Flash 5 Cartoons and Games" - it help you get started. David Emberton's "Flash 5 Magic" is also pretty good for a beginner to learn coding some simple games.

Just go into a book store and browse - I'm sure you'll find something useful to learn the basics of Flash ActionScripting. There are a whole range of books, covering stuff from beginner to advanced. FWIW, my book is pitched at the intermediate to very advanced developer.


- Ian

Matt Keys
02-28-2002, 11:11 PM
Well, it isnt just one kind of flash content that isn't working, no flash that I open through myCasio works. It must be the HTML, I will make my own HTML file and try to open it from there. If anyone else here has used flash content using myCasio, and it has worked properly, let me know.

Sounds like a minor issue with the HTML file point to the wrong spot. Who's the developer of the content? Smashing Ideas or someone else? I've got a friend there who'd want to know if the content's having some problems. Can you drop a note via this forum as to the problematic content?


- Ian

04-12-2002, 08:22 PM
well i'll be damned!!!! that is sweet!!!!