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View Full Version : TreNotes by V&HSoft

Jason Dunn
02-11-2002, 08:28 PM
<a href="http://www.handango.com/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&amp;platformId=2&amp;productType=2&amp;catalog=0&amp;amp;sectionId=0&amp;productId=18738">http://www.handango.com/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&amp;platformId=2&amp;productType=2&amp;catalog=0&amp;amp;sectionId=0&amp;productId=18738</a><br /><br />If you've purchased a Pocket PC, you have a certainly amount of organizational back-bone, but if you're like me, enhancements are always welcome. :-) TreNotes looks like a great app to collect data and organize it. Anyone tried it yet? What did you think?<br /><br /><img src="http://www.handango.com/include/pictures/80641/TreNotes.gif" /><br /><br />"TreNotes is a hierarchical task/note list application. Here are some of the features:<br /><br />• Each item can have different attributes assigned to it, such as colour, category, icon, or priority <br />• Plain Text notes or Rich notes that supports drawing and voice recording, etc. <br />• Branch Statistics that shows number of unchecked and checked items <br />• Add web and file links to any item <br />• Sort data by various attributes including creation timestamp <br />• Search feature <br />• Organize items with drag and drop (in default view) <br />• Export current note to Pocket Word, text, etc. <br />• Use Pocket Outlook categories if desired"<br /><br />TreNotes can be purchased for $19 from Handango (affiliate link above).

02-11-2002, 10:20 PM
It's certainly got ListPro beat by miles visually. I might just have to buy it and give it a spin (gotta look at it more after I get home from the office)

02-12-2002, 04:21 AM
I tried this application, in a comparison with several other notetakers/outliners etc.

I liked the ability to use various icons to designate content, context etc.

However, I found that straight entry of a series of notes was mildly hampered by a few too many steps to create the next new entry.

The biggest drawback is the inability to turn off the check boxes and icons. One of the biggest uses for these apps is as an outliner - the check boxes and icons then simply take up valuable screen real estate.

I must say that I still have not found what I am looking for - some of these apps allow you to easily move items up/down/in/out. Others have quite a few features/bells & whistles...but nothing quite right...the biggest drawback that all of them have is not allowing word wrap on an item. It would be nice if there were something that operates in a similar fashion to the simple Pocket Word outliner on the Handheld PC. Some of these apps allow you to create attached notes for an item, which can be multi-lined, but this requires an extra step. The item line itself just keeps on scrolling to the right.

02-12-2002, 04:56 AM
I wouldn't touch this software with a bargepole. I was interested in software for the PPC which worked about the same as Info Select for the desktop. So before Xmas I tried TreNotes. But I couldn't cut &amp; paste, synch with desktop etc etc. Then when I tried to uninstall from the desktop (it parks some part of the app on the PC) it completely stuffed my PC. After much cursing &amp; swearing, the only way to get my PC working again was to format the hard disc &amp; start from scratch. So I won't go near this software or any app from the developers.

02-12-2002, 12:30 PM
OK..I have been looking for a software like this for a while now, but I want it to work with my desktop as well. When I read the summary of this software at Handango, it seems to have a desktop version, but then the comments seem to indicate they dont.

Can somebody clarify this for me, or recommend another note organization software that works BOTH on the PPC and the IPAQ?


02-12-2002, 03:58 PM
Can somebody clarify this for me, or recommend another note organization software that works BOTH on the PPC and the IPAQ?

I've been trialling ListPro from Illium for outlining and it's very good. It has a desktop app (you get both PPC and desktop for $30). They both work on exactly the same file, so you just keep it in your ActiveSync My Documents folder and it syncs really well.

It does suffer from a problem mentioned earlier - that is that the text in the outline doesn't wrap to the screen/column width. I'd like it to go multi-line. Ironically, it does wrap and go multi-line in the single item view.



02-12-2002, 04:01 PM
Can somebody clarify this for me, or recommend another note organization software that works BOTH on the PPC and the IPAQ?

Actually another one worth mentioning if your categorisation needs are fulfilled by Outlook Notes, is HPC Notes Standard from Phatware. You can do a single level outline by category view, have coloured notes, filters etc. It syncs with Outlook Notes far better than the built in Notes application does.


09-12-2002, 06:38 AM
Holy Grail? viewing Outlook Notes by Category on the Pocket PC?

This is possible in outlook on the desktop, and is possible on the palm (synchronizing from Outlook to Palm via DesktopToGo, for instance).

At last, here is a small, FREE, tool that puts the category index onto the Pocket PC, and allows you to view Notes by Category. It does not change the note-taker app (it's still the builtin notes.exe). All it does is allow you to view notes by category. Simple!

6mb setup. 32k exe on the PPC.


- Tested with Outlook XP, ActiveSync 3.5, and Windows XP
- Requires .NET Framework on PC (see windowsupdate.com)
- Requires .NET Compact Framework on PPC
- does not sync notes in subfolders
- does not do "conditional" sync of categories; all categories of notes get synched to the device
