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View Full Version : Home Server: Could The Partners Screw It Up?

Jason Dunn
08-28-2007, 04:49 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.tech.co.uk/the-vista-update/general/blogs/2007/08/25/home-server-the-partners-could-still-get-it' target='_blank'>http://www.tech.co.uk/the-vista-update/general/blogs/2007/08/25/home-server-the-partners-could-still-get-it</a><br /><br /></div><i>"There's still some doubt about the release date, but there are two certainties about Windows Home Server: it's finished, and it's very good. But it could still bomb anyway. And the reason is as old as Microsoft itself. Microsoft is relying on other companies to make the hardware. Those same companies just aren't very good at making consumer-friendly devices. Just look down the list of confirmed partners: HP, Fujitsu, Gateway... all traditional PC companies with traditional PC habits. It's a recipe for exactly the same problem Microsoft had with portable media and PlaysForSure. The hardware partners just couldn't get it right; couldn't get players sexy enough. The end result was that Redmond gave up and tried itself, hence Zune."</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/images/hp-mediasmart-home-server-716-90.jpg" /><br /><br />Unlike the author of this article, I think the partners building the Windows Home Server hardware will do a good job - as long as they don't get too greedy with their first-gen pricing and make it too expensive for people to afford. Windows Home Server is an excellent product - truly groundbreaking - and I think this fall we'll see some great hardware implementations.

Felix Torres
08-28-2007, 04:59 AM
I wouldn't worry overmuch over the "big guys" screwing up because MS is hedging their bets by also selling WHS as an OEM product so the "screwdriver shops" can play the game too.
Given the modest hardware requirements of WHS, I expect to see a lot of interesting products built off SFF cases. And, in the next year or, a whole flood of cases and mobos optimized for WHS SAN devices.