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View Full Version : MobiNote DVX-POD 7010

Kent Pribbernow
06-15-2004, 02:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/archives/000452.php' target='_blank'>http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/archives/000452.php</a><br /><br /></div>"The DVX-POD is an iPod-looking Portable Media Player that features a 7-inch color LCD (720x480), 20GB 1.8-inch HDD, and weighs only 600g. You may notice that the DVX-POD has no visible front panel buttons, but has cleverly hidden the media controls at the top of the device with A/V ports situated on its sides. Video playback formats include MPEG-4, DivX 3.11, 4 and 5, QuickTime 6 and WMV files, but can also record TV video directly into MPEG-4. As for audio, it supports WMA and MP3 audio files and can also record voice memos via its built-in microphone. Photo formats include JPEG, GIF, and BMP images."<br /><br />Cool! 8O Another example of why Apple is falling on its own sword by <b>not </b>developing a Video iPod. <br /><br /><img src="http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/images/mobinote_dvx_pod_top.jpg" />

Lee Yuan Sheng
06-15-2004, 02:26 AM
Why is everyone so sure that these things will be big?

06-15-2004, 03:20 AM
Does this count as a partial dupe? (http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=42202&sid=a5cb107ae2e9a8a03324ee9570c43acc)

Felix Torres
06-15-2004, 04:00 AM
Why is everyone so sure that these things will be big?

Well, they can do everything the music-only jukeboxes can, at comparable prices, plus they can run image slideshows and playback video both on the onboard screen and an external display.

Personally, I think they'll be a good place to collect music videos as well as shuttling synchronized video from a PVR. And the MS-powered PMCs will likely be game players too, like the PSP.

Mind you, they'll be biggest in societies that rely on mass transit for daily commutes, but even in markets that strongly rely on the automobile, like Los Angeles, for example, they'll still work as electronic nannies in mommy-mobiles.

They're a natural evolution of the digital jukebox, much like color tv is a natural follow-up to b&w tv.

Lee Yuan Sheng
06-15-2004, 04:51 AM
Right, I didn't know so many are willing to peer into small screens to watch their videos.

And no, I don't think the prices are comparable. An iPod 20gb is $399, this is $599-699. Not to mention it'll probably be bigger. So that means it's also less pocketable than an iPod.

These things are going to be fairly niche devices, I feel. It's simply the wrong form factor for watching shows.

Felix Torres
06-15-2004, 01:25 PM
Right, I didn't know so many are willing to peer into small screens to watch their videos.

And no, I don't think the prices are comparable. An iPod 20gb is $399, this is $599-699. Not to mention it'll probably be bigger. So that means it's also less pocketable than an iPod.

These things are going to be fairly niche devices, I feel. It's simply the wrong form factor for watching shows.

Differing opinions is what makes betting on horse races possible. :D

You asked why folks think PMCs will be bring and I offered a scenario
You're allowed (and encouraged) to disagree. :)

But do consider that the cost differentials *are* minimal.
Yes, the DVX-POD is $599, but it has that monster-res screen.
And portable DVD player with that kind of screen is going to be closer to $1000 than $399.
Now, if you want to compare a portable video player to the $20GB iPOD, try this:

That's $359 with a QVGA color screen and a 20GB HD.
It's say that's comparable to a Pod, no?
Elsewhere, you'l find the Archos AV340 40GB player starting around $439, like here:

Versus the 40GB iPod which starts around $450:

See, what's inside the box is about the same for both kinds of products; a decoder chip, some RAM, a 1.8" HD, a rechargeable battery...
The main differences are in the firmware and the screen.
Given the demand for small color screens for other products (PDAs, portable game players, etc) there is actually larger production capacity for color LCDs than for gray-scale. Once supply catches up with demand we can expect to see even music-only players getting color screens simply because they will be cheaper.

It is easy to see a next-gen iPOD coming with a full face color display and a touchscreen interface to play just music and run image slideshows. And it will cost as much to make and sell as a full-blown PMC.

You are right that PMCs are a niche product today.
So are *all* digital media products, when you get down to it.
(If you check another posting here you'll notice that digital music downloads worldwide only add up to 2% of the music market.)
Thing is, the Walkman was once a niche product.
So was the DVD.
So was Digital Audio Tape.
But niche markets mature and the products either become mainstream or die.

Digital music players are a likely candidate to become mainstream; not guaranteed, but its likely. If that happens, PMCs will also become mainstream because by then there will be no difference between the higher-end music jukebox and the PMC. They will be the exact same product.

Of course, both products could go the way of the DAT.
But if one goes, so does the other, because internally they are the same product.

They're just not for every single person on the planet.
So there is ample room for differing opinions.

06-15-2004, 01:42 PM
Hmmm...I'm not seeing the market here. I get the idea, just don't can't identify a critical mass of buyers to support Kent's assertion that Apple is falling on their multi-million unit iPod success, err, sword. :wink:

Let me get this straight. A-We're so addicted to TV/movies that we're inclined to drop $600 on a miniature video screen. B- At home we want bigger screens, while on the road we want smaller ones. C- Those that already fall into this niche audience aren't satisfied by their laptop's or PDA's ability to watch a movie. D- The MPAA, etc. isn't going to jump in and scream if this market starts to even show a glimmer of hope. E- 2 words- Battery life...I don't know. I could be wrong, but I see these being about as successful as those little portable 3" screen televisions...Not very.

The Yaz
06-15-2004, 02:04 PM
I like it, but I have reservations about it suceeding in the marketplace.

For the same (or less) price, I can get a portable DVD player. The smallest ones on the market have a 5" screen. You can fold the screen over the DVD drive which protects the screen. For the non-tech masses- they don't have to download the files to the player, just insert the DVD or CD of your choice.

Because there is already a simpler product out on the market already accomplishing what the PMP does, it will be hard pressed to sell to the masses.

iPods suceeded because it brought a higher level of simplicity to the market. This was accomplished through sleek hardware and an easy to use source for data. To accomplish the same level of interest, these players will need a similar web site to purchase content from.

I don't mind having my computer resize video for my PocketPC overnight because of the W?BIC factor, but I doubt the average consumer would feel the same way.

Steve 8)

06-15-2004, 06:33 PM
For the same price as the iPod, I can get 30 CD players. So how come they still sell iPods?

There is already a market for these...the mini DVD players. But the little DVD players with the 7-inch screen are still kind of bulky and only play, surprise, DVDs (and maybe VCDs). Make it more portable and more versatile just in time for increasing numbers of users that have access to broadband and you have a winner. If it's just me, I watch all my DVDs or ripped vids on my Fujitsu P. The 10-inch screen makes me want to toss my 32-inch television out the door.

06-15-2004, 07:45 PM
I don't have a laptop, so this type of gadget is very useful to me when I travel. I have an RCA Lyra which allows me to bring along my mp3s and several movies to watch on the plane, or in the hotel room when the TV offerings are poor. The recording capability makes it easy for me to Tivo a movie and then record it back onto the Lyra at a time of my choosing, or record of couple of hours of music from XM Sattlite Radio. Since I don't need a laptop, this is a nice solution and give me far more capacity then I can get on my PPC.

Felix Torres
06-16-2004, 12:16 AM
As I said, I personally think the PMC is a viable product, but in the interest of fair play, here's what the sili(con valley) pundits have to say: :twisted:


Lee Yuan Sheng
06-16-2004, 02:58 AM
Ah, for a moment there I thought I was the only one who thought this won't take off.

My main point of contention is in price, size, and immersive experience. Can't win all 3. If it's cheap, it's probably bulky for its immersive experience. If the experince gets better, the size isn't too small, and the price goes up quite a bit (like this unit here). And no matter what happens, unless foldup screens can be had for US$100, there is no way of escaping what is going to be a poor experience from the start.

As bdegroodt has said, they'll probably be as sucessful as portable TVs. Or portable DVD players for that matter. Incidentally Shinco offers this:


Felix Torres
06-16-2004, 03:02 PM
Ah, for a moment there I thought I was the only one who thought this won't take off.

No, you're not.
But you *are* in pretty bad company. :twisted:

Those are the same folks that said PDAs don't need color.
PDAs don't need multimedia, etc.

(BTW, notice how one of the minuses they quote is the need to cook up deals with content providers? Read between the lines and you see that Apple doesn't have the deals in place to get content onto a video iPOd. MS, however, already has those deals in place. Methinks that, as soon as Jobs can get Hollywood to let him distribute movies under *his* DRM, you *will* see a video ipod. Kinda like Palm and color PDAs. "People don't need this...until *we* can deliver it.")

Simple rule of thumb; given two comparable products, the one that does the most for the least will usually win out.

Even if the video use of a PMC is only occasional, as opposed to the audio features, it *will* drive sales to the device that can do video as well as audio, as long as the prices are comparable. Which they will be.
We'll have a better idea how things go starting this Christmas season.