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View Full Version : Mp3 Player options

05-25-2004, 11:06 PM
I originally posted this on PPCT, forgetting that DMT had a DA section :)
please help!

Ok, a friend of mine is looking for a nice mp3 player. Ipods are out of the running after finding these, and devinately not a Dell DJ(dunno why, espc. with the 20gb now available)! Here are the ones he is looking at.

Philips HDD 100 - (http://www.hifi-regler.de/shop/philips/philips_hdd_100_15_gb.php?SID=66908b8094bf66c784a96005a2a2ef16) - i think he really likes this one, but is it ont available in the US? Unless you import it anyway...

Nomad Jukebox Zen NX - (http://www.nomadworld.com/products/jukebox_zen_nx/) - ive seen something here about this one, but cant find it now.

ok, i take that back, this is his favorite - iRiver iHP 100/120 - (http://www.tu-and-tu.com/ihp120.html)

Soo, any suggestions here? basically i would appreciate anything that will help me tell him simply which one is best for him to buy without hesitation


Suhit Gupta
05-26-2004, 02:59 AM
In my opinion, the iRiver iHP series is fantastic. I have the iHP 140 and am very happy with it.


Cameron K
05-26-2004, 12:46 PM
Well, if he doesn't want something as stylish as the iPod (what, you were expecting a mac fanboy to not pimp their favorite peice of hardware?), then I'd suggest the iRiver iHP 120. The remote on the iHp's kicks serious butt, and the devices appear to be fairly small and good looking, and have a great feature list.