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View Full Version : New Dash owner with question about overclocking.

12-29-2006, 01:34 AM
Hello everyone, My wife and I both purchased the Dash for Christmas and the short time I have spent with mine I have been very impressed, but as someone who is always looking for bigger, badder and faster I stumbled upon the overclocking utility for the Dash.

My questions are:

How safe is this utility?

Have there been any reported problems using it?

And from your experience has it made a noticeable difference?

I have already loaded up many programs that I found here on the forums as well as enabled the Joggr feature ( not sure about it yet though ) and have customized my home screen with Fizz weather and such. I am already addicted to tweaking this thing. My wife thinks I am crazy :)

12-29-2006, 05:35 AM
I overclock my Dash all the time but to be honest, the only place I have noticed that it helps is when you run Skype. You have to over clock the Dash to about 240Mhz or else it will lag to much and be unusable for voice on Skype. Don't run it much higher or it will freeze up.

I use Tornado Power Control to set mine with OmapClock.

Kris Kumar
12-29-2006, 05:38 AM
My wife thinks I am crazy :)

Welcome to the club. :lol: And welcome to Smartphone Thoughts.

Regarding the over clock tool. I haven't felt the need for one on my Dash. I haven't come across one specifically for Dash [if you can share the link that would be great], but have used ones designed for TI OMAP processors like the one in Dash. I have used an over clock tool on my Cingular 2125. And my thoughts are that over clocking is temporary, the setting does not stay. So you have to keep running the tool and reset the clock to higher speed. Too much pain. And it doesn't cause any harm other than battery drain. The only benefit of this application would be while watching videos. Other than that you would be better off without it.

12-29-2006, 07:05 PM
I am using the Power control+Omap found about 2/3 down the page not dash specific, but works though side to side with my wifes phone that is not running it I can't really tell a difference opening and using certain apps.


Kris Kumar
12-30-2006, 06:19 AM
I don't think you can tell the difference. The only time it seems to help is while watching videos or like bshpmark mentioned, when using Skype.

For me Skype works really well on the Dash. The problem is the Edge network. Over the WiFi it is great. So the processor is not the issue, it is the Edge network.