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View Full Version : ringtone wont play wma or mp3

01-14-2006, 12:50 AM
phone was playing these fine for rigntones, now they wont play them at all.. even in settings, it recognizes the file but wont play or let me select them as the ringtone.

Mike Temporale
01-14-2006, 02:17 AM
Hrm, this sounds familiar. Someone here has had the problem before, and I think it had something to do with a program they had installed. I think it was a music player app, but I'm not sure.

Have you installed anything recently? Also, try searching these forums. I'm sure we've see this before.

by the way, what phone is it?

03-17-2006, 04:19 AM
phone was playing these fine for rigntones, now they wont play them at all.. even in settings, it recognizes the file but wont play or let me select them as the ringtone.

I have the same problem. Worked at 1st, then didn't. However, mine will play WMA's, and waves, just not MP3's. So I got a program to convert my mp3's into wma's, and used them instead. I know cheezy work around, but what the hell.