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View Full Version : More Than One Million Windows Smartphones in EMEA

Jerry Raia
01-23-2005, 04:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.cebit.de/newsanzeige_e.html?multi=1&back=/homepage_e&news=13335&b&x=1' target='_blank'>http://www.cebit.de/newsanzeige_e.html?multi=1&back=/homepage_e&news=13335&b&x=1</a><br /><br /></div><i>"In the first quarter of 2005 the combined unit sales figure in Europe, Africa and the Middle East for handhelds and smartphones that run under Microsoft OS will for the first time cross the one million threshold."</i><br /><br />This thing we call the SmartPhone is spreading all over the place. Microsoft always seems to bring up the rear at first but they sure know how to catch up and win the race most of the time. I wonder what models they have in Africa.

Kris Kumar
01-24-2005, 02:12 AM
I wonder what models they have in Africa.

Let me make a wild quess - a variant of the SPV C500. :lol:

I don't think we have heard about Microsoft Smartphone being launched in Africa.

But I agree Microsoft knows how to catch up and with Smartphones they are doing what they did with Pocket PCs. They have raised the bar. Pocket PCs were way ahead of Palm in terms of features, when they were launched. Smartphones are the same.