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View Full Version : Hard Reset Audiovox SMT5600

12-17-2004, 11:06 PM
Does anyone know how to hard reset the SMT5600? I had to get a replacement, and I would like to clear everything off before I send it back to Audiovox.


Mike Temporale
12-18-2004, 02:04 AM
Press and hold the Soft-1 and Soft-2 buttons
Then press and hold the power button for around 1 to 1.5 seconds. Just long enough for the screen to light up. Let go of the power button, but keep pressing the other 2 keys.
Shortly you should see a screen showing instructions for reseting the device.
You have to press 0 quickly. If you don't push it within the time limit, all is wasted and you need to start again. It's a little tricky, so don't expect to get it right on the first couple trys. Timing is everything with this.

Good luck. :)

12-18-2004, 02:17 PM
Is this supposd to be done while the phone is on or off?

I ended up getting what I needed by going to Start -> Accessories -> Clear Storage.

BTW, dealing with Audiovox customer support was very satisfying. I called them on Thursday morning because the # key didn't work on my phone. They had me a new phone at my house on Friday morning. Now, all I have to do is send my phone back w/ the preprinted UPS label!

Thanks for your help.

Mike Temporale
12-18-2004, 02:34 PM
Starting from the off position.

I ended up getting what I needed by going to Start -> Accessories -> Clear Storage

Did that hard reset the phone, or just wipe the storage card and folders?

12-18-2004, 02:41 PM
Not sure exactly. It did what I wanted, which was clear out all my info.

When I did it, it warned me about setting the phone back to the manufacturers' settings. Then, it rebooted and a screen came on with a percentage bar showing progress and it said something like "resetting phone". Then, it rebooted and did it again. Finally, it rebooted normally. Is that what usually happens during a hard reset?

12-18-2004, 02:46 PM
I did get this to work finally. (I was holding the power button down too long).

FWIW, the process looked exactly the same as when I did the "Clear Storage".

Thanks again.

Mike Temporale
12-18-2004, 02:47 PM
Wow! Ya, that sounds like a hard reset. I'm impressed that they've included that program.

I guess I haven't had the phone long enough, I didn't even notice the application was there. I gotta play with this phone a little more. :mrgreen: :lol:

12-18-2004, 03:02 PM
Glad I could help too. :)

02-10-2005, 08:38 PM
If you just want to reclaim some memory, and not really hard-reset the phone, go to start>Resource Mgmt.>Space maker. There, push the Menu soft button and you will have options to Erase Email, SMS, Call history, Speed dial, Voice notes, seperately, or everything.

I am not sure that a reset would not make the phone lose links to programs (like SmartVideo) that I had on my mSD.

02-18-2005, 09:58 PM
The hard reset worked well for me. But I still can not get the darn thing to remove all the AT&T crap on the phone. Do I end up having to completely reload the phone to do that? Is it even possible?

Mike Temporale
02-19-2005, 02:42 AM
Are you trying to remove all the branding? I'm not sure what other AT&T crap you could be talking about.

If that is what you are trying to do, check out this post on converting the branding of your phone to Cingular. You could replace it with any other branding.


02-19-2005, 02:46 AM
Yes actually. That is exactly what I was trying to do. But I didn't want to replace it with a new branding. Just get rid of it all together. Also, the phone I just bought was supposedly unlocked. My service is Cingular and the SMT5600 was on AT&T. Since I put my SIM card in I have noticed that nasty little triangle up on the top of the screen. All my calls are roaming! Do I take it to mean that the guy was full of BS and had not really unlocked the phone?