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Jerry Raia
11-01-2004, 07:11 AM
Just musing here for a moment but consider this: those of us frustrated with the problems and short comings of this relatively new embedded operating system may be forgetting that very fact! That it is new and being integrated with a piece of equipment that has historically been totally alone and only had to perform one function, be a phone.

Have we forgotten the evolution of windows? How horrible the first incarnations of it were? Remember windows 95??

Now we have an imbedded system that is not easy to tweek. Software created not only from hardware vendors who have been struggling to make a phone work well , but also from software vendors who are just crawling up from the primordial ooze making pretty nice tools for us to play with.

So when my MPx 220 starts up and I run a program that for no reason just quits or locks up I have to remember that in a way we are pioneers here.

Expensive? You bet! Around 1984 I spent $4000 on an external 40mb hard drive for my $5000 Unix computer. My MPx 220 is light years beyond that combo.

Make no mistake, everyone in this forum is shaping how this will turn out in the end.

There are plenty of phones out there that one can get that don’t have these problems. They also don’t have the stuff of the future on them.

Just my thoughts on this matter :squarewink:

Mike Temporale
11-03-2004, 03:36 PM
It is pretty amazing. Thinking back 6 or 7 years to my clunky Audiovox cell phone... We have come a long way. That thing was bigger than my Tanager, and it had zero functionality.

When it's working, it's all good. 8) :wink: