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View Full Version : Spider-Man 2 Theatrical Trailer

Mike Temporale
05-27-2004, 01:07 AM
The teaser trailer looked great, but the final theatrical trailer looks amazing! Has anyone else seen this?


I love the part where he is sliding ( swinging? ) along the road !! COOLNESS. 8)

05-27-2004, 02:18 AM
I dont know if I'm more excited to see the movie or play the new game on xbox. My 4yo son as well.

The marketing is making me a bit sick though. They'll slap spiderman on ANY product. I currently have (my son's choice, not mine) Spiderman keebler cookies, lunchables, cereal, pop-tarts and probably more that I'm not thinking of.

Mike Temporale
05-27-2004, 04:23 AM
The marketing is making me a bit sick though.

What? I must be living under a rock or something. I haven't seen anything on this movie since we last chatted about the teaser trailer. My kids are still a little too young to fall for the marketing stuff. Unless it has Dora or Blue. Then I'm screwed. :lol:

05-27-2004, 04:37 AM
I just opened a box of cereal that included a webshooter that you strap to your wrist, press a button on your palm (ya know, the web-shooting hand pose) and a web-shaped light emits on the wall.

Theres the "Spiderman2 Triple action web shooter" that I was told I NEED to get. It shoots webs (silly string), water and suction cup missles.

You can definitely tell (here at least) the movie is just a bit over a month away.