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View Full Version : Real-Time System To Transmit TV Images To Mobile Phones

Mike Temporale
05-06-2004, 12:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://neasia.nikkeibp.com/wcs/leaf?CID=onair/asabt/news/304528' target='_blank'>http://neasia.nikkeibp.com/wcs/leaf?CID=onair/asabt/news/304528</a><br /><br /></div>"SmartVideo Technologies Inc of the US has developed a system that transmits TV pictures to mobile phones in real time using Windows Media9, Microsoft Corp's video-compression technology. Real-time news can be viewed with SmartVideo's technology The system was exhibited at NAB 2004, which ended April 22. The company installed decryption software for Windows Media9 onto mobile phones equipped with Microsoft's Windows Mobile OS, and replayed news footage on the screen of the mobile phone. It has been reported that the transfer rate for this was 8-12kbps. The frame speed during transmission is 12-15 frames per second."<br /><br /><img src="http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/200933_040422ne.jpg" alt="User submitted image" title="User submitted image"/><br /><br />This looks very cool. They mention a full screen version will be made available later this year and they are still working on getting some content lined up. Over-all this has some nice potential, however I would prefer to watch pre-recorded shows from a PVR type device. That way I can select my own content. Nothing worse than riding the subway and channel-surfing on the phone because you can't seem to find any good streaming content. :lol:

05-06-2004, 10:06 PM
stick my live radar imagery on there in a second, when that comes out!

Can't wait!

05-06-2004, 10:41 PM
I've used WM encoder 9 to broadcast TV to my smartphone. It's not all that complicated. Use a machine, TV tuner card, free WM encoder 9, and begin broadcasting. The problem I have is the high cost of data. I'm pretty sure this would be a good example of why ATT offers a not-so "Unlimited" plan. If it were truly an unlimited plan, then I would definitely be a concern of theirs. I'd be able to watch TV whenever, wherever I wanted. Like on the crapper at work &lt;grin>