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View Full Version : What Matters to Motorola?

Andy Sjostrom
09-01-2003, 11:22 AM
Like Samsung and Siemens, Motorola takes on an operating system agnostic stance. Recent events surrounding Motorola's decision to sell off its shares in the Symbian consortium have sparked many questions. In today's issue of the Swedish IT magazine ComputerSweden, Motorola's press and information manager Jakob Cederquist tries to explain:

"The starting point in our strategy is that the operating system is of secondary relevance, while Java is more central to how the user perceives a phone."

I have mixed feelings about this. What does Motorola's Jakob Cederquist mean? Does he mean that the user really cares about Java or is about the rich user experience a rich client platform can provide? In my post Java Recognized (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3918) I wrote: "The last few weeks I have noticed in a change of how advanced mobile phones are marketed and sold. Many retail stores and carriers market phones as "Java phones", list Java as a key feature, and even runs web sites for Java games downloads . The consumer is slowly but surely being educated about Java and that Java is an important mobile phone feature."

I believe that what matters to the user and to Motorola is, at the core of things, the rich user experience that a rich client platform can provide. Today, however, this rich user experience is associated with Java and the trend continues. Microsoft certainly has the technology and tools, money and patience to compete with this in the long run. In the short run, I still believe Microsoft would sell more phones, be more successful in device manufacturer and carrier relationships if Microsoft's Smartphones came with an integrated Java Virtual Machine.

Find out about and discuss Java enabled Microsoft Smartphones here (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3950)!